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He is the Bread. We are the Salt. 

Can you make bread without salt

The short answer is yes

But why would you want to

Without the salt 

The bread may not taste as good 

Or look as good

There is a reason for the salt

It adds flavor

There is no need for it 

If if has lost its flavor

The bread will do fine on its own

The bread doesn’t need the salt

But the salt needs the bread

It relies on the bread to be purposeful

It cannot add flavor 

Without a food to be added to

He is the bread of life

We are the salt of the Earth

This Earth is only for now

But for now 

We get to partner with him

To bring flavor to this life

And help others find their purpose 

In him


Friday we flew into Costa Rica. It’s finally happening. A year and a half ago I planned to be arriving in Costa Rica in March, not January of 2021 after we had already been to Romania and South Asia. Well of course within that time frame a lot has changed for everyone. A lot of losses to grieve but so much time with Jesus to rejoice over. I’ve grown closer with him more than ever. I’ve learned more about his character, his wants, grown more familiar with his voice, grown more in love with him every day. Well, according to his original plan from before I was born – I am now in Costa Rica. Fulfilling part of his great will to go be the salt of the earth. To bring light and flavor to his name in peoples lives. We are not “bringing” Jesus or the Good News to the nations, because he is already there. We have just partnered with him when he called us to be in the inevitable plan of bringing his name to every nation. As the bread in representation of his body he says to take it. Once we let him inside he goes with us everywhere. He is infinite, he is unchanging, we do not change his existence, but he wants us, he cherishes us, he invites us. He as the bread could do it without us, do it all. BUT he calls us to lift up his name, to bring flavor to and as his creations. We are here to represent Jesus not be him, and what a precious opportunity. Be the salt!!


Check out my other post about poetry for some background on how the Lord has been teaching me through a new medium of art!


I have very limited wifi and service so I’ll be posting when I can! Talk soon:)

6 responses to “another lesson through poetry”

  1. So glad you all made it ! Thanks for the beautiful poem and reminder that we are the salt of the earth and need to partner with Jesus, be the flavor, and bring glory to his name. May God bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you. May he be gracious to you and give you his peace! Love you, sweet girl :). -mom

  2. What a great connection! Thank you for sharing your words, Alex. It sparked another thought for me – salt is also a catalyst for a chemical reaction. It speeds it up or fuels it. I’m giving thanks that F squad and Team Mesa are bringing their sparks to fuel God’s work in Costa Rica!

  3. Alex!!! The Lord uses your wisdom, your creativity, and your knowledge of Him to bless His people, to be the light and the flavor of Him! How incredible! Thank you Jesus for this work and these words!

  4. Oof. This is too good. Thanks for sharing. Proud of you friend. More than that though, the Lord is proud of you. Thank you for being Alex. I love you 🙂

  5. Learning lots from you even when I’m not physically with you, Alex!! God speaks amazing things through you and it’s so cool to see how patiently you have waited on God’s timing and how He has blessed you and others through that! Praying for your journey in Costa Rica and I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back! Love you lots buddy!