
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

How to make this post not super general but also give all the basic information… I have heard many messages lately about identity and the importance of a name. Well, my name is Alexandra Ramirez (Alex), I live in Windsor Colorado, I am a soccer player, a hiker, a friend, sister, daughter, volunteer, student, employee, church member, and a lot more. When someone asks me who I am, I don’t say “a daughter of the king” or “saved and serving”, I most often reply with Alex. Both are right answers don’t get me wrong, but as I have grown in my faith and surrendered my heart a little more each day, my identity is in Christ as opposed to what this world is shaping me into by appearance. 

The story of the beginning of this journey is not all that crazy. I had a friend mention the World Race, how she would rather serve than go to college. In that same conversation, I was told how WR entails many months away from home, a lot of rice, and bugs. I wasn’t that impressed, but God decided to stir something in me, because within a year after some random nights of researching, and previous Racer’s vlogs, dang I WAS COMMITTED. The previous never-ending burden of college and the future was replaced with peace and open doors. This slightly confused me, until I was told when God is not closing doors, they are open to you to choose from. When I chose to serve him, he gave me more opportunity to choose otherwise, instead of feeling lost with no options. And I chose, chose him. He chose me. He chose me by name to go spread his. How cool. I am excited to take my heart around the world to Romania, South Asia, and Costa Rica in the name of service and put it to some good use.

About me: I am Alex, a missionary, soccer player, hiker, friend… and so much more.

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