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It has been a WILD March for Gap F! But we can’t complain- our squad started March on the Costa Rican beach and ended in the Dominican mountains!

During the first week of March, Gap F sent different groups into the jungle every day to move wood and hammer in the pouring rain. We were putting together a house for a man named Juan, who had to move into his new house in just over a week!


Meanwhile, our other groups continued work on base, clearing plants and keeping the land clean!

As we approached our last week in Puerto Viejo, we continued to work in the kitchen, go to church, whip our machetes, and cherish every sweet “last.” One awesome “last” was our final adventure day, when the staff drove us to a national park near an absolutely gorgeous beach! For one final time, we explored, goofed off, and soaked up the Costa Rican sun!

 On March 11th we grabbed our few clothes and many souvenirs, jumped on the bus, and headed to La Montaña Christian Camp in San Jose, Costa Rica. For a little over a week we debriefed our experience in Costa Rica while breathing in the cool mountain air and eating yummy gallo pinto for the last time. The week held a ton of space to process, thank God for what we had just experienced, and prepare for what was coming next!


 Our phone alarms collectively went off at 4am. It was March 19th, and we had a 26 hour travel day ahead of us. After a foggy bus ride, we found our way through the San Jose airport, boarded our flight at 12pm, and landed in Panama City at 2pm. Our layover in Panama was a blur of spending way too much money in the airport, watercoloring, movies, naps, and family calls.  Finally, we boarded our flight at 8pm and landed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic at 12am. 

A customs line and a bus ride later, we found ourselves standing at our new home Hope Mountain in Lajas de Yaroa DR. It was 5:30am. All 20 girls piled into their room and soon we were knocked out. Out incredible staff let us sleep in. To be completely honest, we all basically slept for 2 days. 


 Then, it was time to start ministry! 

Ministry is structured around a four week rotation cycle. Each week, one team will take either:

 •Creative (videos and dances for kids programs etc)

•Administration (creating and updating ministry websites, logistical assistance etc)

•Property (planting flowers, cleaning rooms, moving sod etc)

•Outreach (writing notes for the community, delivering meals, prayer walks etc) 

 Our days here start with breakfast and a devo/worship time together. Next, we get with our teams to start ministry.  Lunch is followed by a sweet sweet siesta! After that, more ministry until 5, dinner, then team times!  Food is MUCH different here than anything we’ve ever experienced, but we are learning to adapt and love cultural differences. 


 Pray for our ministry hosts here! They would love prayer for their family’s health as well as favor with the government of the DR in permitting them to become the DR’s first safe house for survivors of sex trafficking for minors. 

Pray for our own health! Hygiene is harder work here than it is in the US, especially with the tight quarters and large amounts of rain!

 Pray for every community that Hope DR reaches out to! For individual hearts to be searching for the Lord, and for understanding on our part for how to best love them. 

Pray for joy in the ministry every day! We are so excited to be here, but we all need endurance to pursue people and the Lord every day!

Thank you all so much for your support! Love you all!