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Thoughts & Inspiration

I often turn to the Psalms, Paul’s letters, or the Gospels when I am feeling discouraged. In all honesty it is very easy to find fulfillment and encouragement in those books. But just like in life, God does not often want the easy for us, he usually has the most valuable lessons for us when we step into the uncomfortable and hard things. I have been challenging myself to read some of the Old Testament books that I wouldn’t always choose for my first choice in scripture. I have been reading through the Kings books and sometimes the dozens of names go over my head, but the Lord has been teaching me more than hundreds of years of history lately.

The prophets Elijah and Elisha play very big roles through those books. They would both be a great example of what steadfast is. No matter what the people of the land went through back in those days, the Lord fought for his people. And throughout the many years that pass in these books, often times the only faithful servants were Elijah or Elisha. They would be surrounded by whole kingdoms, standing alone, with only faith in God as their superpower. The Lord would speak through them and they would prophesy great miracles. But what about all the years in between? We don’t get to follow them around day to day in these scriptures. We don’t get to hear their little white lies or doubts, we don’t get to sit with them at meals when they were alone with just God in their minds. 

As I have been reading these books, I realized how grateful I am for my christian community. I have been made so aware of how God has fought for me in placing me in groups of amazing brothers and sisters in Christ, who challenge me and lift me up when I am down. The Lord calls the church to unite and be one, but what if I didn’t get to have that opportunity? What if I was the only believer in a whole kingdom of non-believers? Would my faith waver? Would I see God as enough to encourage me when I am down? How much do I rely on my group bible studies or affirmations from my friends right now?

First and second kings has made me think. Who is my accountability but God? What am I going to make the most out of while I am blessed with this special community at Hope Mountain? Will I let God be my defender no matter what?

I sure hope so. I’m now reading 1,2,3 John, which blow my mind every sentence- I encourage you to read them this week!

Our hosts will be taking off to the US this coming week for health reasons and other responsibilities they have there, so pray for them for safe travels, protection and health. And pray for our squad as we enter our last month- for empowerment without hosts, relationships with the community, and being present as we prepare to go home. Thank you for following along. 

God bless!


6 responses to “many kings, few faithful”

  1. Hi Alex,
    I just read a blog. It’s a wonderful writing and I am so proud of you. Your work in Lord is wonderful and inspiring.
    L love you
    Grandpa Bruce

  2. Hey sweet girl! What a wonderful reminder of both staying accountable and making the most out of where we are right now.I’ve also been reading in kings, how cool that the Lord would put that on both our hearts at the same time! I could totally follow what you were saying above. Praying for you, your squad, and your hosts! I can barely believe you’ll be home in just over a month. Very bitter sweet and so grateful God has given you such an amazing community of believers to love you, encourage you, support you and challenge you. You have done the same for me! I love you sweet girl enjoy every minute you have left! God is so good! Love, mom

  3. Precious girl, what a wonderful testimony of how encouraging the word of god is for us. I can’t wait to see you in a few weeks!! ??

  4. Way to go Alex – would love to have heated some of the little white lies Eijah and Elisha would have told…fun!
    Proud of you – keep up the good work…running the race!

  5. Oh Alex –
    I am SO looking forward to meeting you and the possibility that you might grace my home some day to join us for a simple meal or a weekend away to restore and refocus. I have a book for you! It’s “Kingdoms” – a collection of the books of Kings, retold in more of a story form. The message remains the same – SO many kings, so few faithful! But it might be a way to revisit this scripture in a new way?
    I hope to thank you in person one day soon – maybe in July? You have been such a blessing to Annie and to our family. <3